This homemade Cinnamon Chocolate Almond Milk Recipe is a delicious, rich, and creamy way to enjoy non dairy milk in your coffee, lattes, or alone!
1 1/2 c Almonds
3 c Drinking Water
2 tbsp Cocoa Powder (I recommend Dutch-processed)
1 tsp Cinnamon
3–4 tbsp Honey
- Prepare Your Almonds: Start by soaking your almonds in water for at least 3 hours, or overnight if possible until they’re soft enough to blend. Once they’re soft, rinse and strain your almonds and add them to your blender with 3 cups of fresh drinking water
- Add Your Flavors: Add your cocoa powder, cinnamon, and honey to your blender with your almonds and water and blend until smooth (30 seconds to 1 minute).
- Strain Your Almond Milk: Place your nut milk bag (or a tea towel) over a large bowl and dump your cinnamon chocolate almond milk mixture into it. Using your hands, wring out the bag until all of the liquid is strained into the bowl.
- Serve Your Homemade Cinnamon Chocolate Almond Milk: Transfer your Cinnamon Chocolate Almond Milk to a pouring dish with a lid and enjoy in your coffee, lattes, or even on its own! This will keep in the refrigerator for 5-7 days.
- Prep Time: 10 minutes
- Soak Time: 3 hours